Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Korea's Now and Then

So I found out a good reason why so many men smoke here...because when they join the military (which is required by all men for atleast 2 years) almost everyone smokes. Why is this? Because just like in America at some places (I worked at a gas station that this happened all the time) when someone wants to go on a smoke break...they can. If another co-worker doesn't smoke, then no break. So a majority of the men start smoking because they don't want to be the ones working while everyone else enjoys their smoke. Pretty interesting seeing as how America has so many ads on TV about lung cancer and how it kills. They smoke around a half pack a day, some more. It's really sad actually.

So I forgot to tell you that my university has their own hospital that many people from around the area come to seek treatment (much like Sacred Heart hospital is close to UWEC, except this Hospital is actually called Ajou Hospital). I went there yesterday to get an xray of my chest to check for TB. It was pretty depressing seeing all of the little kids who are still in strollers hooked up to machines and liquid packs. Alot of people sit outside which is good I guess, but it makes everyone's sickness much more visible, so much more sad.

A friend of mine (Korean) was telling me about Korea's past (which was not too long ago) and how the Korean people had it pretty bad. I would have never noticed it coming here now because they are so developed and for how small, pretty advanced. He was telling me how Japan had rule over Korea and would take their woman and men to Japan and pretty much turn them into slaves. This was back in the 60's, so their parents and grandparents remember it like it was yesterday.

Tonight (since it is Tuesday it's Korean movie night) is going to watch JSA (Joint Security Area) which is about the DMZ (Demilitarization Zone). I heard it's pretty intense and since most of the men said they liked it, I believe em. I'll let you know how it goes.

Until then,

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