Saturday, July 24, 2010

Inception, DMZ, and the Hospital

I did my title Cake Boss style, for those of you who don't know what Cake Boss is turn your TV onto TLC and get a watchin! It's my new favorite show.

Anyways, yesterday I went to the DMZ (Demilitarization Zone) also called JSA (Joint Security Area) or simply "the border" between North and South Korea. It wasn't as intense as I thought it would be, mainly because most of the time we weren't allowed to get off of the bus or take pictures anywhere (well, in a few spots it was ok). It was pretty crazy to see the literal cement, 6 inch high, line going right through the country. It went straight through buildings (so that if they need to meet for diplomatic reasons, they don't have to cross into the other's side). The South Korean soldiers were very serious the entire time, standing in a very upright position with their arms locked in a "taekwondo" pose, and with their hot bulky uniform. Let's just say, not a job I'd want to have.

The other thing that surprised me was America's involvement with the JSA. Everywhere you look there is a South Korean flag, a JSA flag, and our flag!! It was kind of weird to see. While our tour guide was showing us around she made it very clear that the people of Korea did not want to be split into two countries, and that it was the super powers' (Russia and US) fault that they did. From the American point of view we learn that we went over there to "help" the Koreans keep capitalism, but really they didn't want the split in the first place. I guess there's always two sides to every story. Did you know that the guy that started Hyundai was North Korean? When the war ended the POW soldiers were allowed to choose which side, and he switched over to the South. Nowadays, people say that North Korea is living in poverty, and that starvation is everywhere. It makes me sad to hear that, because they don't even know what else is out there.

The last part of my title is "hospital" or in korean "pyeong won". While on the subway my show got caught on the edge, and I fell face first. As embarrassing as it was, it hurt much more. I ended up "bending" my bone, but atleast it wasn't broken. I don't think I could live on crutches and a cast without my mother or grandma taking care of me! I went to the ER last night around 10:30pm and they took an xray. After an hour and a half of looking at my charts, the doctor told me in English that they're not sure what it is. I was a little shocked to hear that. They said if the swelling and pain persist 3 days from then that I have to get a CT and Cat scan. So at this point, I'm not sure what's wrong with it. He said "micro fractures" and bending of the bone, but ended with...I'm not sure about your condition. comforting, eh? Well I'm going to go eat some left over pizza because the restaurants are too far to walk on this leg...then take my 15 pills per day that were prescribed (over kill I know).

Sleep tight America,

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